
User interface functions and aliases.

Module Attributes


Alias for Qt.AlignmentFlag.AlignLeft, to use in addWidget


Alias for Qt.AlignmentFlag.AlignRight, to use in addWidget


Alias for Qt.AlignmentFlag.AlignHCenter, to use in addWidget


Alias for Qt.AlignmentFlag.AlignCenter, to use in addWidget


Alias for Qt.AlignmentFlag.AlignAbsolute, to use in addWidget


Alias for Qt.AlignmentFlag.AlignBottom, to use in addWidget


Alias for Qt.AlignmentFlag.AlignTop, to use in addWidget


add_blank(widget[, layout])

Adds a space between consecutive buttons/labels in a layout when building a widget.

add_label(widget, label[, label_before, ...])

Adds a label to a widget.

add_widgets(layout, widgets[, alignment])

Adds all widgets in the list to layout, with the specified alignment.

combine_blocks(right_or_below, left_or_above)

Combines two QWidget objects and puts them side by side (first on the left/top and second on the right/bottom depending on "horizontal").

handle_adjust_errors(widget, warning_type, ...)

Qt message handler that attempts to react to errors when setting the window size and resizes the main window.


Returns a callable that can be used with qInstallMessageHandler directly.

make_group(title[, l, t, r, b, parent])

Creates a group widget and layout, with a header (title) and content margins for top/left/right/bottom L, T, R, B (in pixels).

make_label(name[, parent])

Creates a QLabel.

make_n_spinboxes(class_[, n, min_value, ...])

Creates n increment counters with the specified parameters.

open_file_dialog(widget[, possible_paths, ...])

Opens a window to choose a file directory using QFileDialog.

open_folder_dialog(widget[, possible_paths])

Opens a window to choose a directory using QFileDialog.


Opens the url given as a string in OS default browser using QDesktopServices.openUrl().

set_spinbox(box[, min_value, max_value, ...])

Sets the parameters of a QSpinBox or QDoubleSpinBox.

toggle_visibility(checkbox, widget)

Toggles the visibility of a widget based on the status of a checkbox.


AnisotropyWidgets([parent, default_x, ...])

Class that creates widgets for anisotropy handling.

Button([title, func, parent, fixed])

Class for a button with a title and connected to a function when clicked.

CheckBox([title, func, parent, fixed])

Shortcut class for creating QCheckBox with a title and a function.

ContainerWidget([l, t, r, b, vertical, ...])

Class for a container widget that can contain other widgets.

DoubleIncrementCounter([lower, upper, ...])

Class implementing a number counter with increments (spin box) for floats.

DropdownMenu([entries, parent, text_label, ...])

Creates a dropdown menu with a title and adds specified entries to it.

FilePathWidget(description, file_function[, ...])

Widget to handle the choice of file paths for data throughout the plugin.

GroupedWidget(title[, l, t, r, b, parent])

Subclass of QGroupBox designed to easily group widgets belonging to a same category.

IntIncrementCounter([lower, upper, default, ...])

Class implementing a number counter with increments (spin box) for int.

LayerSelecter(viewer[, name, layer_type, parent])

Class that creates a dropdown menu to select a layer from a napari viewer.


Class to implement a log for important user info.


To be used as a metaclass when making a singleton QWidget, meaning only one instance exists at a time.

RadioButton([text, parent])

Class for a radio button with a title and connected to a function when clicked.

ScrollArea(contained_layout[, min_wh, ...])

Creates a QScrollArea and sets it up, then adds the contained_layout to it.

Slider([lower, upper, step, default, ...])

Shortcut class to create a Slider widget.

UtilsDropdown(*args, **kwargs)

Singleton class for use in instantiating only one Utility dropdown menu that can be accessed from the plugin.