Advanced : Custom models#
WIP : Adding new models is still a work in progress and will likely not work out of the box, leading to errors.
Please file an issue if you would like to add a custom model and we will help you get it working.
To add a custom model, you will need a .py file with the following structure to be placed in the napari_cellseg3d/models folder:
class ModelTemplate_(ABC): # replace ABC with your PyTorch model class name
weights_file = (
"model_template.pth" # specify the file name of the weights file only
) # download URL goes in pretrained_models.json
def __init__(
self, input_image_size, in_channels=1, out_channels=1, **kwargs
"""Reimplement this as needed; only include input_image_size if necessary. For now only in/out channels = 1 is supported."""
def forward(self, x):
"""Reimplement this as needed. Ensure that output is a torch tensor with dims (batch, channels, z, y, x)."""
WIP : Currently you must modify as well : import your model class and add it to the model_dict