User interface functions and aliases.
Module Attributes
Alias for Qt.AlignmentFlag.AlignLeft, to use in addWidget |
Alias for Qt.AlignmentFlag.AlignRight, to use in addWidget |
Alias for Qt.AlignmentFlag.AlignHCenter, to use in addWidget |
Alias for Qt.AlignmentFlag.AlignCenter, to use in addWidget |
Alias for Qt.AlignmentFlag.AlignAbsolute, to use in addWidget |
Alias for Qt.AlignmentFlag.AlignBottom, to use in addWidget |
Alias for Qt.AlignmentFlag.AlignTop, to use in addWidget |
Adds a space between consecutive buttons/labels in a layout when building a widget. |
Adds a label to a widget. |
Adds all widgets in the list to layout, with the specified alignment. |
Combines two QWidget objects and puts them side by side (first on the left/top and second on the right/bottom depending on "horizontal"). |
Qt message handler that attempts to react to errors when setting the window size and resizes the main window. |
Returns a callable that can be used with qInstallMessageHandler directly. |
Creates a group widget and layout, with a header (title) and content margins for top/left/right/bottom L, T, R, B (in pixels). |
Creates a QLabel. |
Creates n increment counters with the specified parameters. |
Opens a window to choose a file directory using QFileDialog. |
Opens a window to choose a directory using QFileDialog. |
Opens the url given as a string in OS default browser using |
Sets the parameters of a QSpinBox or QDoubleSpinBox. |
Toggles the visibility of a widget based on the status of a checkbox. |
Class that creates widgets for anisotropy handling. |
Class for a button with a title and connected to a function when clicked. |
Shortcut class for creating QCheckBox with a title and a function. |
Class for a container widget that can contain other widgets. |
Class implementing a number counter with increments (spin box) for floats. |
Creates a dropdown menu with a title and adds specified entries to it. |
Widget to handle the choice of file paths for data throughout the plugin. |
Subclass of QGroupBox designed to easily group widgets belonging to a same category. |
Class implementing a number counter with increments (spin box) for int. |
Class that creates a dropdown menu to select a layer from a napari viewer. |
Class to implement a log for important user info. |
To be used as a metaclass when making a singleton QWidget, meaning only one instance exists at a time. |
Class for a radio button with a title and connected to a function when clicked. |
Creates a QScrollArea and sets it up, then adds the contained_layout to it. |
Shortcut class to create a Slider widget. |
Singleton class for use in instantiating only one Utility dropdown menu that can be accessed from the plugin. |