
Several image processing utilities.


AnisoUtils(viewer[,Ā parent])

Class to correct anisotropy in images.

ArtifactRemovalUtils(viewer[,Ā parent])

Class to remove artifacts from images by removing large objects.

FragmentUtils(viewer[,Ā parent])

Class to crop large 3D volumes into smaller fragments.

RemoveSmallUtils(viewer[,Ā parent])

Widget to remove small objects.

StatsUtils(viewer[,Ā parent])

Widget to save statistics of a labels layer.

ThresholdGridSearchUtils(viewer[,Ā parent])

Widget to run a grid search for thresholding.

ThresholdUtils(viewer[,Ā parent])

Creates a ThresholdUtils widget.

ToInstanceUtils(viewer[,Ā parent])

Widget to convert semantic labels to instance labels.

ToSemanticUtils(viewer[,Ā parent])

Widget to create semantic labels from instance labels.